Kat Stays Polished | Beauty Blog with a Dash of Life: Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat

Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hi huys! Today is part 2 of my surprise blogger mail from Sally Hansen--Fuzzy Coat! I've been wondering about these probably as much as you have. NO, they aren't fuzzy! They do look pretty cute on the nail though. Below I have 3 for you and I also have the 4 undies I used to showcase the polish.

Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat: Tweedy | Fuzzy Fantasy | Wool Lite

Sally Hansen Onyx | Sally Hansen Spring Green | JulieG Birthday Suit
First up is Wool Lite, a light pink fuzzy top coat. For all the pictures, I have 1 coat over an undie and 2-3 coats on the ring finger for an accent so you can see it at full [or as close as I could get] opacity. I think I prefer this one as a top coat.

A little further down, I also swatched it over Presto Pink. You can definitely see the fuzzies better on the dark pink color. All nails [on all colors] have a top coat except for the ring finger accents. In my opinion, the top coat is very necessary to smooth out the entire design. Otherwise, you've got a sticky, clumpy mess.

Next is Fuzzy Fantasy over Spring Green. I think this combination is perfect, but in order to get full opacity with JUST the Fuzzy Coat, you need at least 3 coats and you sort of have to  maneuver the glitters in just the right place. It's better as a top coat for sure.

Tweedy is probably my favorite of the 3 I got. To me it seem the most opaque on the accent nail and, well, it's a black and white polish! It's hard to see the black glitters over the black polish, but I still really like it. 

I keep thinking of ways I could incorporate these into nail art. I have a few ideas so maybe I'll have to start painting!

So, what do you think? Do you have any of these yet? Will you be picking some up? Let me know below!

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Thanks for stopping by!

These products were provided to me for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.

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  1. I own Tweedy but I'm not sure how much I like it :)

  2. These look like fun glitters to put on top of colors! I'm not a huge fan of bar glitter but these look nice and I might pick one up to try out if I come across them.

  3. Great swatches! I can't decide if I like these or not! I hate bar glitter but love the mini ones...I may have to try one! :)

  4. I'm not sure how I feel about them yet. The black and white one isn't bad.


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