Kat Stays Polished | Beauty Blog with a Dash of Life: Urban Outfitters Mini Polish Haul

Urban Outfitters Mini Polish Haul

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hey guys! Today I have 3 Urban Outfitters polishes to show you! Last weekend during my Ladies Day outing, I went into Urban Outfitters to look for the holographic polishes. I came out with 3 non-holo polishes.

Their holos looked pretty similar to ones I already have from Color Club and even though I don't mind dupes, I was on a budget. Instead, I picked up Bright Lights [on sale for $0.99], Bohemian Summer, and Mystic.

Check out my swatches and let me know which one is your fave!

Bright Lights is a milky white polish with scattered red, blue, green, silver, and gold polish. It's part of their UO Kimchi Blue Collection Nail Polish. I snagged this baby up for just $0.99! It applied beautifully in two coats and I'm pretty satisfied with how the glitters were dispersed.

Urban Outfitters Bright Lights

Urban Outfitters Bright Lights

Urban Outfitters Bright Lights

Urban Outfitters Bohemian Summer. AHMAHGAH! I saw this one at the very last second and I HAD to pick it up! I have been wanting the Illamasqua speckled polishes forever but have not been able to buy them...at around $18 a pop! Unfortunately, this is the only color like this. It's part of their Basics collection but I'm hoping they'll bring out some more colors like this. This also applied in 2 coats with great coverage.

Urban Outfitters Bohemian Summer

Urban Outfitters Bohemian Summer

Urban Outfitters Bohemian Summer

Last on the list is Mystic. Mystic is a great alternative to Cult Nails Clairvoyant which is no longer available...also one I was never able to get my hands on. It takes a little work to apply this polish, but in 2 coats, I got it! You also NEED a top coat with this. If you don't it dries to a weird matte, filmy finish. The top coat will also bring out the wonderful colors in the flakes.

Urban Outfitters Mystic

Urban Outfitters Mystic

Urban Outfitters Mystic

Urban Outfitters Mystic

So, what do you think? Between the 3 I only spent $9. UO polishes are normally $5 a piece but if you buy 2, they're just $4!

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  1. What awesome shades you picked up! There all so pretty and the deal you got them at is a steal! :)

  2. I love Bohemian Summer! I need this one!

  3. !!! Love them!!!! Wish we had stuff like this in our shops... for such great prices!

  4. I have the other two but not Bohemian Summer, and I kinda need it now!!


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