Gloss48 Nail Week: Sara M. Lyons Nail Decals
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hey guys! I've got another Gloss48 special for you all! I LOVE Laura from and I'm so happy to be working with her again! This time I've got something a little different. These are nail water nail decals but in full nail length! They are made by "Professional Weirdo" Sara M. Lyons! I have 2 packs of full nail decals and 1 pack of small designs like you'd normally see. Today I'll be showing you how the full nail designs work!
Starting NOW on, there are 3 three new, full nail decal sets in Pizza, Happy Meal and TV Party for $10 each (reg $12). There will also be some nail decal sets at a special discount of 30%. I have the Happy Meals and the TV Party ones on the blog today!
Here are the instructions it comes with. When you buy these, make sure you do read the instructions all the way through. These decals are bright on the backing sheet but they can be pretty sheer on the nail. It is suggested in the instructions to use a white nail polish base or a very light colored one. I decided to try both with a color base and without just to show you the difference.
We just had our housewarming party over the last weekend and you bet we had burgers to serve. It would have been great to have had fries too! Just look at how cute these Happy Meals decals are! So, I cut one out that i thought would fit the width of my nail. Sometimes that's hard to judge, especially with new products. The paper backing is pretty stiff so you may want to bend it a little before applying.
For this first one, I decided not to end it too much. I did try to fold it along the curve of my nail, which helped. Because these are water decals, they are very thin so you definitely want to make sure you position it carefully. At this point, the instructions tell you to submerge your finger in water for 15-20 seconds, kinda like those temporary tattoos.
So, as you can see, the decal is VERY sheer without a base color underneath. I used it as just an accent nail with some bright yellow polish. If I had used a white base, the colors from the decal would definitely have popped more.
Next up we have the TV Party decals! Don't you remember these awesome colored lines on your TV screen? As with the previous set of decals, I chose a decal that matched my nail width but I went a little bigger this time. I also painted 2 coats of a white polish as a base underneath so that these bright colors would show up.
I totally forgot to trim it so that the bottom portion of the decal would show up too but I definitely love the way this turned out. You must make sure your polish is completely dry before applying the decal. I have also not completely perfected the "no bumps" in the decal but I'll get there.
Overall I really like having a full nail water decal to apply. I imagine you could even cut these vertical stripes into individual strips and then place them randomly on the nail to create an abstract design. Shoot, why didn't I think of that before I wrote this? Go buy a set and try it! I bet it's much easier than striping tape!
The last NEW set being featured on Gloss48 is this Pizza set. Seriously, so cute!
So, whatcha think? Let's recap the details again so that you can go grab a few sets for yourself! They are on sale from now, June 19, 11 a.m. EST to June 26,11 a.m. EST. You can find all of the available sets HERE on the Gloss48 website. These 3 new food sets will be on sale for $10 (originally $12).
Here is where you can follow both Gloss48 and Sara M Lyons for more info on all the products these two offer! Enjoy and let me know what you end up buying!
Sara M Lyons:
*Products were provided for an honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.

I love the cute and fun designs on these decals. They look nice!