Kat Stays Polished | Beauty Blog with a Dash of Life: My Style with ShopStyle by POPSUGAR - We Shop Style

My Style with ShopStyle by POPSUGAR - We Shop Style

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

 Hey guys! As you can probably guess, this post is all about style! Have you seen any of the new ShopStyle ads on television yet? I have and I am here to tell you all about it! Take a look at one of the ads that are currently running:

ShopStyle is getting a new look and feel and POPSUGAR and I are excited to share the news with YOU! Starting in November, you’ll see ShopStyle advertising campaigns in major publications, on TV, and even taxi tops around NYC.

ShopStyle is a website that pulls together all the latest fashions, trends, accessories, and more and let's you browse everything in one place. Once you find your perfect style, it will link you to a place to purchase your new threads.

As a POPSUGAR Select Beauty Blogger, I get the chance to show you my style with ShopStyle. So, what's my style? Take a look below to find out!

ShopStyle by POPSUGAR - We Shop Style

My style is very simple. I love platform pumps and I don't like spending too much on them. Even though some of these are brand name, I got them for a great deal. When I'm not dressing in cute boots and sweater dresses, I love fun shirts with Hello Kitty or cupcakes on them. These are available at most stores with cute novelty tees. When it comes to me and makeup, I usually go for a very natural day-to-day look. The Naked palette pictured above only cost me $6.60 out of pocket -- again, I love high-end items at bargain prices! You also can't go wrong with textured polish - JulieG Holiday Frosted Gum Drops at $3.99 a piece. Lastly, my studded cowgirl jeans - retail $109. I got them BRAND NEW at the thrift shop for just $10.

My most favorite items on this spread are linked below for your convenience. Some things that aren't linked are either too old or are no longer available.

My favorite item not available anywhere else in the world is the gold and jade jewelry from my both of my grandmothers. Combined, I have the most amazing jade and gold pieces that any girl could ever ask for. I got the tri-color jade bracelet for my birthday almost 10 years ago and the rest of it was given to me on my wedding day. I will cherish these pieces forever.

So, what do you think? If you're curious about any of the items not mentioned, let me know in the comments! I hope you'll check out ShopStyle and find something new for your wardrobe! Have fun!

ShopStyle by POPSUGAR - We Shop Style

*Sponsored post by POPSUGAR Select Beauty.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks lady! I couldn't fit everything I wanted -- clearly I have too many things, LOL!

  2. I love your laydown! You have a great shoe collection!

  3. Kat, you are adorable! I love your shoes and purses. (Sheila, from Painted Ladies)

  4. Great pic Kat, I love your shoe choices, especially the fur topped boots.

    1. Thanks Mercedes! The fur boots were the latest addition to my wardrobe. I wore them for Thanksgiving and they are soooo comfrotable!

  5. Love the shoes you're wearing! Your laydown is great!

  6. Loving your laydown, your style is so cute and fun! I'm feeling I need more color in my wardrobe ;)

    1. Thank you Krystal! I just recently started adding color to my wardrobe. Everything I owned used to be blue, black, or white.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Angela! My dream would be to have a pair of Louboutins!

  8. Super cute!!! Love all your accessories, too! :)

  9. Your layout made me smile! Love HK!

    1. YAYY!!!!!!! HK for the win!!! I recently went through my wardrobe to donate clothes and that shirt was one of the gems I found hidden in a box.

  10. Cute! I love the deal on the jeans - total score!

    1. Thanks Kristie! DEFINITELY a total score! That was the first thrift shop trip i ever made. I need to go more often.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you!!!! I think I had picked out more things than what would fit on the layout, haha.

  12. I love your laydown! This is a winner in my book. Good choice with the phone!

    1. Thank you so much!!! My phone also has a hello kitty case on it, hahaha.

  13. You are SOOO cute! I love your laydown simply because you've shown your personality in it! LOVE LOVE LOVE those leopard heels!

    1. Aww, thank you thank you!!!! The heels were such a steal!!!

  14. This is adorable! I love the leopard heels, too!

  15. Oooh! I love the hello kitty the cupcake shirt, and the leopard shoes!

    1. YAY!!!!! HK always. Cupcakes always! Leopard....always! =)

  16. This is awesome and you're too cute! I love how playful the second picture is. Umm, can I have everything in your lay down? Lol.

    1. Aww, thank you so much! Haha, everything in my lay down is totally affordable!!!!! You can borrow anytime, LOL! =)

  17. Replies
    1. Hit publish too soon, lol :) I'm a bug fan of sweater dresses, too :)

    2. Haha, thank you! I couldn't fit all my shoes on this thing though, lol. These sweater dresses are so convenient for where I am in Florida! I wore one for Thanksgiving an it was perfect!

  18. I love it, how fun! I especially love those yellow shoes! I want! :)

    1. Thanks! Ed Hardy - I wanted their red and black ones too but....I don't think they exist anymore.


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