Kat Stays Polished | Beauty Blog with a Dash of Life: Kat Stays Polished is 1 [and Kat is 29]! **GIVEAWAY**

Kat Stays Polished is 1 [and Kat is 29]! **GIVEAWAY**

Friday, November 08, 2013

Hey guys!!!!! I'm 29 today!!!!!!! Next Friday is also the anniversary of my first blog post! I can't even believe how far I've come in just a year and how many awesome people I have met because of blogging. Since I have been so blessed to even blog in general, I have asked some of my bestest blog friend and influencers to help me celebrate my birthday and blog anniversary. We are giving away 11 total prizes and some of them are even available to International lovelies!

Be sure to read under each prize to see if it's open to you in your area! 

I want to thank every single one of you readers for sticking with my blog and watching my grow. I also want to thank each blogger/sponsor for helping me celebrate this very awesome day. I'm so glad to have met you in the past year and I hope that this next year brings us even closer!

So, let's not waste anymore time! Pictures of the prizes are available below -- some will be updated later. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to ask me on my blog, Facebook, or my email katstayspolished@gmail.com -- GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
Urban Decay Naked Basics [Open to International] from Kat

Zoya Raven, Ziv, Purity [OPEN TO US ONLY] from Kat

JulieG Original Frosted Gum Drops [OPEN TO USE ONLY] sponsored by Jesse's Girl

JulieG hOLIDAY Frosted Gum Drops [OPEN TO USE ONLY] sponsored by Jesse's Girl

Sinful Colors Leather Luxe Collection [OPEN TO US ONLY] sponsored by Lace and Lacquers

[OPEN TO US ONLY] sponsored by Accio Lacquer

Stila Snow Angel Palette [Open to International] sponsored by Hello Miss Niki
Zoya Dream, Zoya Payton, Barielle Very Bare, Barielle Edgy [OPEN TO US ONLY] Sponsored by ColorSutraa
OPI Mariah Carey Liq Sand mini sets [OPEN TO US ONLY] Sponsored by BruisedUpDollie

LVX 3-in-1 Treatment, OPI Liq Sand It's All San Andreas Fault, Sally Complete Salon Manicure Purple Posy, Sinful Colors Daddy's Girl [OPEN TO US ONLY] Sponsored by My Boyfriend Hates Makeup

NailNation3000 Trinity | Inner Light | My Polish Is Poppin | 1-oz Pineapple Cuticle Oil | Mini all new color morph holo top coat ENTRANCED [OPEN TO US ONLY]

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. They're all great prizes! I live in the US. My choice would have to be:
    Zoya Dream, Zoya Payton, Barielle Very Bare, Barielle Edgy Sponsored by ColorSutraa

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. I'm in the US and I'd love to win any of the prizes, but I'm really excited about the Jesse's Girl polishes.

  3. WOW! What a wonderful giveaway! Happy Anniversary! :D :D

  4. I'm in the US. I'd love to win either the Urban Decay or Stila palette. Or maybe the liquid sand polishs. :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY/ANNIVERSARY. :)

  5. I'd love to win the NailNation prize because I don't have any of them and they look like amazing polishes!!

  6. I live in Belgium, so I only have a chance to win either the Urban Decay Naked Basics or the Stila Snow Angel Palette, but I can't really choose between them, I would love to have each one!

  7. I'm in the US and I'd love the zoyas. Thanks for the giveaway!! Happy Birthday and Happy Blogaversary!!

  8. I'm in Greece! Sooo far away! I'd love to win Urban Decay Naked Basics, since it's a pallete I've been eyeing for sooo long, but sadly it's not easy or cheap to buy them here :C

    Thank you for this giveaway <3

  9. I would Love to win the Urban Decay Basics palette.! :))


  10. I would love the basics palette, but I would be happy with anything. USA!
    Happy Birthday and thanks for the giveaway! <3

  11. I'm in the US & I would love to win the NailNation3000 prize pack or the Urban Decay Basics Palette! :) Happy Birthday & thanks for having such an amazing giveaway! :)

  12. Happy Birthday!!!!!!! (am I the only one that hears Frosty in my head when I type that?) I'd love to win the JulieG holiday gumdrops... Because I think I already own every other prize! Yes, I am a nail polish addict lol. I live in the USA :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Happy Birthday! Everything looks great, but the first three are my favorites! I live in the US as well.

  15. couldn't answer all entries....sorry....thanks for the chance :)

  16. Happy birthday and blog anniversary.

  17. Happy birthaversary :) I'd love the naked basics or the sinful colors... OR ANY!!! :) (U.S. here)
    Stephanie L.

  18. I'm from Greece!I'd like the Stila Snow Angel Palette!

  19. I would love any but my top pick would be the naked basics... i have wanted it for a really long time!

  20. HIPPY BARFDAY! And congrats on the anniversary! ^_^ I'm in the U.S. and I really have my eye on either of those Frosted Gumdrops :D

  21. I love UD and would have to say the Naked Basics Palette! I'm in the US.

  22. I love the OPI Liquid Sands. I live in the US.

  23. Happy, happy birthday!! Now gimmee that Naked Palette. :-)

  24. Happy Birthday! Thank you for the giveaway. I'm in the U.S., and would love the Nail Nation prize since I don't have anything from them.

  25. I live in the US and I'd love to win the Zoyas :)

  26. Happy birthday from California, which might be its own country :-) I don't know what I'd pick - anything with polish!

  27. Happy Birthday! I'd love the UD Naked Palette as I've never owned one. I live in the US.

  28. Happy Birthday to you and your blog from Georgia, USA. I would love any of the prizes!!

  29. I'd love to win the NailNation 3000 prize! Happy Birthday and congrats on the Blogiversary! And thank you for the giveaway!

  30. Happy Birthday! i live in the US, in California. i would love to win the Urban Decay Palette, the Stila Palette, or the Accio Lacquer prize. all of the prizes are great though and it would be awesome to win any of them! :D

  31. happy Birthday!!! I live in Oklahoma, United States. My favorite prize...the Sinful Colors Leather Luxe Collection.

  32. I'm torn, my number one want is the JulieG hOLIDAY Frosted Gum Drops Collection. Happy Birthday to you and your blog! :D

    1. Change my answer to I want the Nail Nation Prize because I am getting the Julie G for Christmas I found out today, lol. Thanks for the chance!

  33. Happy Birthday to you and your blog! I am in Minnesota, USA and I want the OPI Mariah Carey Liquid Sands or the Julie G Frosted Gumdrops! Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. Happy Happy Birthday, what an Amazing giveaway!! All the prizes are awesome, would love to win anyone of them..how could I choose!!

  35. Happy birthday, Kat!!!! Live in the US, and any prize would be awesome to win!

  36. I'm in the US and I'd love the NailNation 3000 prize pack!

  37. I love the NailNation3000 prize pack, thank you so much for this giveaway. I live in California, USA!

  38. All the prizes are fab! I live in the USA.

  39. Happy birthblogaversary!!
    I'm in the US. I'd LOVE to win any of the 3rd-11th prizes since I have both the first and second (what's the likelihood?)

  40. Happy birthday and happy blogiversary! :)

    I live in the USA. My top choices would have to be the Naked Palette and the Zoya polishes - two of my top lemmings! But any would be fabulous for sure!

  41. I would love to win the Urban Decay Naked Basics! Im from Singapore!

  42. thanks for the giveaway! I'd love the julieg holiday collection and I'm in the US

  43. I`ll be more than happy if I could get one of the polishes prizes but as I live in Bulgaria (I recieve polishes from abroad, but you won`t ship international), so my answer would be prize number 1. Thank you! :)

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Happy Birthday! Thanks for this giveaway .
      Urban Decay Naked Basics

  45. I've been following you for months and I love your posts...congrats on your blog and happy birthday for you!! I'd like the Naked palette as I'm an international follower, I live in Argentina :) thanks for the inspiration!!

  46. All the prizes are nice, but I don't own any Nailnations, so that would probably be my preference. :) I live in the US

  47. Hmmmm congrats and happy birthday!! I live in the US of A and I think Im liking either pallete right now :)

  48. I'm excited about the Naked pallet; although I also love Julie G's Holiday Gumdrops collections (es since I have the original & love those). And I'm in the US.

  49. Naked palette sounds awesome for a prize! :) I live in Bulgaria ;)

  50. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm in the US and I would love to receive the Julie G polishes. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  51. Thanks for the Giveaway and Happy Birthday! I live in the US and would love to win the JulieG Holiday textures!

  52. Merry blog-iversary and birthday! US here, would love the JulieG holiday or Nailnation....

  53. Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday and Happy, well, everything! :-D Thanks for the giveaway! I would love...well...oh anything, they are all fabulous!

  54. Happy Birthday :) I would love to win the makeup pallet from you or the polish from Nail Nation. I am in the US :)

  55. Happy Birthday!! I would like to win the Urban Decay! Thank you for the giveaway!

  56. Happy Birthday/Anniversary! I love all of the the giveaways, but the Accio Lacquer one has caught my eye the most. I live in the US.

  57. Sinful Colors Leather Luxe Collection, live in the US

  58. I live in the US. Thank you so much for the chance to win! Its really hard deciding which prize I would love most, but if I really had to choose, the Julie G Holiday Gumdrops or the Naked palette. :D Happy birthday and congrats on a year of blogging!!

  59. I'm in the US. I really like a lot of the prizes here, but I love the Julie G Holiday set the most I think.

  60. Happy (belated) Birthday Kat!
    I'm in the US and I would like the NailNation 3000 polishes.

  61. Happy birthday! I'm in Canada and would love the Naked Basics! But would happily take the Stila instead :P

  62. I'd love all of it!! LOL!! I'm in the US

  63. Awesome giveaway! I live in Spain and i would love to win the urban decay naked basics!

  64. Happy Birthday Kat!! I love Stila Snow Angel palette!! I'm in the US!!

  65. Happy Bithday, I live in the US, and I would love to win the UD Naked Basics, Stila Snow Angel or the Frosted Gum Drops...they are all great prizes! Thank you

  66. Hi, Happy Birthday, I'd love the Zoya Dream...etc set you have up. I absolutely love nail polish but all your prices are good. I'm in Texas USA

  67. OMG I would <3 to win this stuff, so many awesome goodies from our awesome birthday girl!!!

  68. I'm in the US and I lurveeeeee the Naked Basics, Stila Snow Angel palettes, the Zoya Team Spirit No Limits Collection and the Holiday Frosted Gum Drops!

    Rafflecopter: Rosie Areola

  69. Happy birthday! I live in the US and would especially love to win the naked basics palette or the stila one :)

  70. omg I would love the UD but ANY of the polishes would be sweet!!!

  71. happy birthday! :) I'm from Romania and i'd love to win the Urban Decay Naked Basics or Stila Snow Angel Palette <3

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Happy Bday and congrats!! I like the frosted gumdrops and the nail national 3000. Thank you.

  74. USA! I love the gumdrop collection, but I would like to see what the UD hype is all about.

  75. Wow, this is an awesome giveaway! I'd love any prize, I live in the US.

  76. Happy Birthday and Blogiversary! I live in the US - All of the prizes or great, but my eyes are drawn to the NailNation 3000 Prize Pack!

  77. Oooh, such great prizes, hard to pick just one! Probably the Holiday Gumdrops though, so pretty! I live in the US.

  78. Great giveaway! I'm from the US and most interested in the Urban Decay palette and Mariah Carey OPI mini packs!

  79. Hi! Thank you for the giveaway! I'd love to win the Naked Basics and I'm from U.S.! :)

  80. Eeeek I'd love the Holiday Gumdrops or the Nail Nation! I'm in the USA, thanks for the great giveaway and congratulations!

  81. I'd love the Mariah Carey set, but they are all amazing prizes! I'm in the US.

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    hello, rigby!

  82. I live in the US and I would like any of the nail polishes cause well im obsessed with nail polish!!! thank for the opportunity!

  83. Happy Birthday Kat! Thanks for this giveaway. I'm from Philippines and I want to win the Urban Decay Naked Basics! How cool is that!

  84. Christmas has come early! Happy Birthday! I'd die for the Urban Decay Naked Basics <3

  85. I want UD, STILA, ZOYA, and NN3000! You know where I live! ;P

    1. FYI, these are in order! UD as first choice!!!!

  86. Happy Birthday and Happy Blogiversary!!!

    I would love to win the Jules, the NN3000, of the Sinful Colors. I am in U S of A :)

  87. Great giveaway! Happy Blogiversary and happy birthday :)
    I'm from the Netherlands and would like to win either of the prizes.
    P.S. Some of the link on Instagram have mistakes in them. Just letting you know, so people can follow a correct account.

  88. Happy Blogiversary! Congrats!!!
    I want the palette or Zoya polishes)
    I'm from Greece

  89. Happy Birthday!!! (and blogiversary!) The JulieG Gumdrops are my favorites! I'm in the US - not too far from you - I'm in Gainesville!

  90. would love the stila or urban decay makeup, live in the US

  91. Hi kat.belated happy birthday. Would love to win any polish. Philippines

  92. Happy, happy birthday AND blog birthday!!!! I'd love ANY of these sweet prizes :) I like in Alabama so I'm lucky to be able eligible for any of them :):)

  93. I'm in the US and those NailNation polishes are really up my alley!

  94. I would love the Zoya collection. BTW, I'm in the US.

  95. The Mariah Carey collection or the Zoya collection but I'm in the UK so I can't get them :(

  96. I love the JulieG Frosted Holiday Gumdrops polishes, or the UD palette! I'm in Ohio, USA!

  97. Happy Belated Birthday! Love to win the Urban Decay Naked Basics palette...I live in Canada. :-)

  98. I live in the US and would love the Nail Nation prize pack. Those polishes look amazing!!!!

  99. I live in the US and would be happy with the Naked, Zoyas, Nailnation... who am I kidding! Id be happy with anything! Thank you so much for the opportunity!!

  100. The JulieG Holiday Gumdrops or the OPI mini sets :) I live in the U.S.

  101. Happy Birthaversary! I'd dig any of them (even if I'm drooling over those Julie G's!). (USA)

  102. Zoya Team Spirit No Limits collection and I'm in the US! =0) <3 <3

  103. I'm from Germany, and i'd love the UD palette. It's gorgeous :D

  104. I would love to win any of these prizes! Especially the ones with nail polish!! :) I live in the USA!

  105. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU from Michigan <3 !!!!!!!

    I'd love to win the NailNation or Urban Decay, or anything... I'm not picky! :)

  106. Super-happy birthday to you, Kat!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd love the Stila Snow Angel Palette 'cause I live in the europian Hungary :)


  107. I would love the Stila pallette!I'm from Greece!!

  108. I would love either the Urban Decay palette or the Zoya polish. I don't have either of those and I can't buy myself anything right now either. (Probably lots of us in that predicament!) I live in the United States.

  109. Happy Birthday and congratulations on 1 year! I would really be happy with any of the prizes and I am in the US.

  110. Happy Birthday and congratulations on 1 year! I would really be happy with any of the prizes and I am in the US.

  111. happy birthday i live in the USA and would love the urban decay palette

  112. I'm in the US, and would probably like the NailNation3000 best. I don't have any of her polishes yet!

  113. Happy Birthday!! It's hard to choose. The Original Frosted Gum Drops & the NailNation3000 are amazing prizes! MA, USA... :)

  114. Thanks for this fabulous giveaway! So hard to pick a favorite! Loving the Sinful Colors polishes and Urban Decay palette...I'm from NY, USA;)

  115. I want prize 1. I am from Bulgaria.

  116. Happy Birthday , I love nail polish . I'd love to win some of them I am from Bulgaria.

  117. Happy Birthday! I'm in the US. That Naked Palette looks good to me!

  118. I am in the US & I would like to win the Nail Nation polishes :)

  119. I've been wanting a NAKED palette forever! I can never afford it! I'm in the US.

  120. i like them all but would love the zoya or the opi mini sets!

  121. I'm in the US and would probably like to win ColorSutraa's prize the most.

  122. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm in the US and I'd love to win the Zoya Dream/Payton and Barielle prize from ColorSutraa or the NailNation pack

  123. Im in Canada and I would love the Urban Decay Naked Basics. Thank you for such a great giveaway!

  124. Greetings from Russia and thanks for the amazing giveaway! I would like the Naked Basics palette ^_^

    Elena Rudaya
    queen-of-pain at yandex dot com

  125. I'm in the USA, and I'd love to win any of the prizes! I think if I had to pick, I'd go for the ColorSutraa prize, but I'd be truly happy with any of them!

  126. I'm in the UK :) I think the Stila palette looks interesting, though I haven't tried any Urban Decay products so the Naked Basics palette also appeals to me :)
    Thankyou for the giveaway opportunity, good luck everyone :)

  127. I'd love any but I like the Naked Basics Best
    I live in the USA
    krystlekouture at yahoo dot com

  128. I'd love the Stila Snow Angel Palette. I live in the US.

  129. What an amazing giveaway! I live in Argentina and I would love to win the Naked palette, I've heard nice things about it ;)


  130. I'd really love the Zoya Dream prize, but I'd be thrilled to win any of the prizes! I live in the US. Thank you so much! Happy Birthday!

  131. I like the Nail Nation prize and I am from the US

  132. I'm in the US and all the prizes are amazing!!!

  133. The Holiday Gum Drops are gorgeous! I'm also from the USA. :)

  134. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!!

  135. The Urban Decay Naked Basics palette - USA.

  136. The Urban Decay Naked Basics palette Greece

  137. Un magnífico sorteo, a pesar de que no puedo optar a todos los premios, ya que soy de España. Me encanta tu blog porque me permite conocer marcas que en España no se venden, y las cuales sólo conozco gracias a blogs como el tuyo

  138. I loooove them all! <3 I'd especially love the nail nation 3000 prize pack, but I'd take any of them. <3 I'm in the US. c: thanks so much for the giveaway!

  139. I think I'd like the JulieG Holiday Gum Drops best with the Zoya Trio (Raven, Ziv, Purity) and the NailNation 3000 pack as close seconds.

    I'm in the US. Thanks for the giveaway <3

  140. I'm from Uruguay, I'd love to win Urban Decay Naked Basics

  141. happy b-day!!!!!
    kiss from Argentina.

  142. US
    I would love the NailNation or the Zoya, or any:)

  143. I would love to have some of the nail polishes but I live in Bulgaria so I will be happy to get prize 1! Thank you for the giveaway!

  144. I'm in South Africa so I only have 2 options but I'd looove to win the Urban Decay palette!

  145. I think I'd like the Holiday Julie G's! Congrats & thanks!

  146. I love all the prizes! I've never tried Sinful Color or Zoya though, so I'd be excited for those.

    1. P.S. Happy Happy Birthday!!! :) I'll be 29 next month too.

  147. I'm in Spain and would love to win the Stila palette! Congrats & thank you xx

  148. Love all but don't have any nailnation 3000 :) I live in the US :)

  149. I would love any of the prizes. I live in Canada.

  150. happy early or belated birthday! & happy one year annivesary for your blog! id love to have any of those nail polishes but I have my eyes on Zoya Raven, Ziv, Purity! <3 I reside in USA. :]

  151. What a great giveaway!! Happy birthday. I am in the USA and I would love the Urban Decay Naked Basics or Zoya Raven, Ziv, Purity.

  152. I'd really really love the OPI Mariah Carey collection!!!

  153. I'm from Singapore and I'd love to win either the Urban Decay or liquid sand polishes. Thank you so much for the giveaway and Happy Blessed Birthday / Anniversary babe. P.S. Make more you tube videos pls. Love them

  154. Congrats! I am in the US. All the prizes are great but I would really love either the Julie G polishes or the Nail Nation since I do not own any of them. Yet lol.

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. Congrats on the blog-anniversary! I'm in the U.S. I really liked the Sinful Colors Leather collection and the JulieG Holiday Gum-drops :)
    My rafflecopter name is Noelle Frady, btw.

  157. I would love to get some of the nailpolishes but, since I live in Spain, it cannot happen. I'm sooooo sad! So any of the palettes will be great instead.

  158. The Urban Decay palate is gorgeous :o
    But I'd love some of those Mariah Carey polishes.
    And I'm from the USA!

  159. i would love to nail color pick but i am international :/ then i chosse Urban Decay Naked Basics :( :
    Thanks for the giveaway :*

  160. I`d love to win the Urban Decay Naked Basics.
    I live in Romania

  161. I'd love the nail nation prize package. I'm in the U.S..... or one of the makeups... Urban decay or stila.

  162. I'd love either the Zoyas or the Julie Gs. I'm from US.

  163. I'm from the USA and would love to win that JulieG holiday collection! Happy Blogiversary and Happy belated Birthday!

  164. I live in the US I would love to win the nailnation 3000 prize pack. happy birthday and anniversary

  165. SinfulColors Leather Luxe Collection. US.

  166. I have never won anything! just hoping that I will win something this time.... Anything from the list will be just awesome to win!! :P

  167. I would love the Nailnation, Urban Decay, or Liquid Sand minis. But any winning is a good thing. Thanks for the chance!

  168. I would love to win Urban Decay Naked Basics [Open to International] from Kat or Stila Snow Angel Palette [Open to International] sponsored by Hello Miss Niki. I'm from TURKEY!

  169. I'm in the US and those frosted gumdrop polishes are the bomb!

  170. I would love to win the Nail Nation 3000 Prize Pack. I live in the US. What an awesome Giveaway you're having. Happy Birthday and Bogaversary!

  171. I'd like to win the OPI Mariah Carey Liquid Sand mini sets by BruisedUpDollie! I live in the USA! Thank you for the chance!

  172. Id like any of the prizes - and USA

  173. Hey girl Heyyy! Wow first of all, Thank you for the opportunity and to all of the donors/sponsors! I live in the US and my ideal prize would be Julie G's original frosted gumdrop set, OR NailNation3000 Prize Pack!

  174. i'm in the us - nailnation is high on my wishlist, but i'm also dying for zoya dream and payton!

  175. I'm in the USA. I'd LOVE almost anything. I especially like the NAKED pallet and the Mariah Carey OPIs. I've never used indie polish before though, so those might also be fun. :)

    1. THis was Heather Taylor (heatherlybutterfly@gmail.com or heatherlybutterfly@live.com) I don't know why it didn't register that...

  176. I'm in the US. I would love the gum drop collection!


  178. Everything looks lovely but those Holiday Frosted Gum Drops are calling to me.


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