Kat Stays Polished | Beauty Blog with a Dash of Life: Cellairis iPhone Case Inspired Mani w/ Pomegranate Nail Lacquer + GIVEAWAY

Cellairis iPhone Case Inspired Mani w/ Pomegranate Nail Lacquer + GIVEAWAY

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hey guys! Happy Memorial Day! Today I have a very special post and giveaway for you! Pomegranate Nail Lacquer and Cellairis have teamed up pairing PNL polish to very blingy iPhone cases! I don't own an iPhone so at the end of this post, I'll be giving this one away to one of you!

I chose the DeBari Argyle Americana iPhone case that was paired with PNL Rose Garden Romance because I loved the red and the very blinged out argyle pattern.

Below is a swatch of Rose Garden Romance and a little nail art inspired by the iPhone case. This was a pretty time consuming project because in order to achieve the nail art look I was going for, I had to fish out hex glitters from glitter polishes. Unfortunately, I don't yet own any loose glitters. I better get on that...

LOOK! This is the case you could win!

Cellairis DeBari Argyle Americana iPhone 4 Case

Rose Garden Romance is a rich red creme polish. It applies beautifully with just two thin and even coats.

Pomegranate Nail LAcquer Rose Garden Romance

Pomegranate Nail Lacquer Rose Garden Romance

Here it is! My accent nail inspired by this iPhone case! Do you likey? I'm pretty sure this took me about an hour to do but I think it was SO worth it! If you want this case, make sure you enter through this Rafflecopter widget at the end of this post!

I'm opening this up to ALL readers [USA, Canada, International]! Make sure you thank Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer too!

Nail Art inspired by: Cellairis DeBari Argyle Americana iPhone 4 Case

Nail Art inspired by: Cellairis DeBari Argyle Americana iPhone 4 Case

Nail Art inspired by: Cellairis DeBari Argyle Americana iPhone 4 Case

For more information on Pomegranate Nail Lacquer, visit:

For more information on Cellairis, visit:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

These products were provided for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.

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  1. Thank you Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer for the pretties and thank you, Kat, for being iPhone-less! ;-) <3

  2. Lovely nails! The accent nail is gorgeous! I wish more people would make S3 cases like this!!

    1. I'm sure NOW there are some available. I just recently searched for cute Hello Kitty cases for my S3. Haven't bought one yet but I know they're at least out there!

  3. Wow awesome manicure! Must have taken a long time to finish the accent nail :) Thanks for the giveaway too!

    1. Thanks Lisa! Yea, like an hour for the accent nail! It was worth it though. I love it! I don't want to remove it!

  4. That looks so beautiful! Thank you to the sponsors and to you for a lovely blog and fun giveaway! <3

  5. Thank you Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer!

  6. Awesome giveaway! Thanks so much to Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer!

  7. Thank you to Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer and of course thanks to Kat Stays Polished for NOT owning an iPhone! :)

  8. Looks great! Thank you Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer for doing this and thank you for not having an iPhone!

  9. Thank you Cellairis, Pomegranate Nail Lacquer and Kat Stays Polished for the giveaway!!

  10. Thank You to all parties involved!! =)

  11. Thank you to Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer for pairing fancy looking things together and thank you for not owning an iPhone!

  12. Thank you Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer for pairing fancy looking things together and thank YOU for not owning an iPhone!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  13. Thank you Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer for this beautiful and awesome giveaway! And thank you Kats for not having an iphone! I am so grateful that I still have my Iphone4 :)

  14. awesome giveaway!! Thank Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer ad to you Kat for having this giveaway! All the best to everyone.

  15. Thank you Cellairis and Pomegranate Nail Lacquer for the giveaway and thank you Kats for not owing an iphone!


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