Kat Stays Polished | Beauty Blog with a Dash of Life: Braid Nails - Experimenting with Color Combos - JulieG Polish

Braid Nails - Experimenting with Color Combos - JulieG Polish

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hey guys!!! Just a quick post for you! I have some JulieG polishes to show you in another braid manicure! I'm experimenting with different color combinations and I'd like to know which one you like best!

My thoughts? I love the blue-green combo the best, but I'm also SO in love with Liquid Metal [the rose gold metallic]. I'm just in love with these polishes in general. <3

Holla-Peno | Cabana Boy | Tokyo Nights

Liquid Metal | Black Sheep | You-Niverse

Polishes provided for tutorial and review purposes. All opinions and statements are my own.

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  1. Love the braided manis! I attempted one once and it turned out so-so but seeing yours inspires me to give it another go! Love the color combos too :-)

    1. Aww, thanks! I hope you try it again! Takes a little patience and a little practice.

  2. Ooh! The blue green is my fave! The polish looks so smooth and opaque!

  3. I really like both but I think the blue/green is my favorite!

  4. Beautiful!! I can't even decide which I like best!! x


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